Drug As A Disguised Heaven

Drugs Take You To The Hell Disguised As Heaven ” Donald Lynn Frost

No Matter we are on the heights of modern epoches living our life with full fantasy and technology bounded surroundings but the devastation that we are bearing is uncountable .Our youth has fallen into the trap of such addiction which has been sucking up the young ages.Most of the population has now drained their life by using drugs on such a scale that have made their life a heck ,for a bit enjoyment they ruin their entire life .

Somehow we are ourselves responsible for this. Nothing is more dangerous than human avarice , we can fall to any limit for our profit. It’s we people , who have introduced this poisonous things in the market and are promoting it on large scale.

There are lots of rules and regulations formulated by the government but nothing will happen until we take a leap for eradicating this adversity. After all it is our children who are falling into this ditch. So it becomes a compulsion for us to become a part of government and help them to
stop all this shit. And we should start educating our children at homes as well as in school how dangerous and life taking these drugs are and we promote hatered in them against the drugs.

drugs,drugs india,

It is said, “A strong Nation Is Strong Because Of its Strong Youth ” But if the same youth will fall in this drug morass then how can we bloom how is our development and security possible.One and the main thing of the drug addiction is that its lust is so powerful that sometimes When your addiction is on Apex you can sell anything and you can do anything to get the bit of it to satisfy yourself. That is why crime rate in India is increasing day by day. We usually see now rape case and murders etc. It is all because of drug addiction . Domestic Abuse cases have also cases have also increased.

Nowadays small children are taking high drugs like joint, paper drug ,cigarettes and many other toxic things.Yesterday I was walking into the streets of Delhi Oakhla near my residence, I saw a little boy ,a growing bug, was fighting with a shopkeeper, he was teasing him like a hell, when I
reached their he requested me to buy him a cigarette, I was shocked to see him in that condition,he was saying I would die if you won’t get me cigarette and he was having a hand full of hemp which he was going to mix with his cigarette.

How These Drugs effect You And Your Body, Brain?

Addiction is a neurological disorder that affects the reward system in the brain.In a healthy person ,the reward system reinforces important behaviors that are essential for survival such as feeding sexual activity and social interaction .For example the reward system ensures that you
reach for food when you are hungry ,because you know that after eating you will feel good ,in other words it makes the activity of eating pleasurable and memorable so you would want to do it again and again whenever you feel hungry .Drugs of abuse hijack this system turning ,turning the persons natural needs into drug needs.The brain consists of billions of nerve cells ,or neurons which communicate via chemical messages or neurotransmitters . When a neuron is sufficiently stimulated an electrical impulse called an action potential is generated and traveldown the axon to the nerve terminal .Here it triggers the release of neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft – a space between neurons .The neurotransmitter then binds to a receptor on a neighbouring neuron , generating a signal in it, thereby transmitting the information to that neuron .The major reward pathways involve the transmission of a neurotransmitter called dopamine from the ventral tegmental area -the VTA of the midbrain ,to the limbic system and in the frontal cortex .Engaging in enjoyable activities generates action potential in dopamine producing neurons of the VTA ,causing dopamine release into the synaptic space then binds to and stimulates dopamine – receptor on receiving neuron.This stimulation is believed to producethe pleasurable feeling or rewarding effect.Dopamine molecules are then removed from the synapse and transported back to transmitting neuron by a special protein known as dopamine – transporter.This clearing of dopamineis to ensure that the postsynaptic neurons are not overstimulated .Most drugs of abuse increase the level of dopamine in the reward pathway .some drugs such as alcohol ,heroin, and nicotine indirectly excites the dopamine producing neurons in the VTA so that they generate more action potentials.Cocaine acts at the nerve terminal .it binds to dopamine – transporter and blocks the re-uptake of dopamine .Methamphetamine ,a psychostimulant acts similarly to cocaine in blocking dopamine removal .In addition it can enter the transmitting neuron ,into dopamine – containing vesicles where it
triggers dopamine release even in the absence of action potentials. Different drugs act in different ways the common outcome is that dopamine builds up in the synapse to much a
greater amount than normal .This causes a continuous overstimulation of receiving neuronsand is responsible for prolonged and intense euphoria experienced by drug users .Repeatedexposure to dopamine surges caused by drugs eventually desensitized the reward system .TheSystem no longer to everyday stimuli ;the only thing that is rewarding is the drug. That is howdrugs change the person’s life priority .After some time ,even the drug looses it’s ability toreward and higher doses are required to achieve the same pleasurable effects .This ultimately leads to drug overdose.


According to the Global Burden of Disease Study, illicit drugs are estimated to have killed nearly 7.5 lakh people worldwide in 2017 alone.The estimated number of lives lost in India was 22,000.According to some estimates, the global drug trafficking trade is worth a staggering $650 billion.


According to a government report, India had 2.3 crore opioid users, in 2018, a five-fold jump in 14 years.The maximum growth was reported in the consumption of heroin.In 2004, the number of opium users (20,000) was more than twice that of heroin (9,000).Trends reversed some 12 years later: heroin consumers went up to 2.5 lakh, almost double that of opium consumers, noted the report titled the Magnitude of Substance Use in India. The findings were prepared by AIIMS’ National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre.

Jammu And Kashmir Prone To Drugs

Jammu and Kashmir has become a hub of drugs. A recent study has revealed that Jammu Kashmir has 600,000 people involved in drug-related issues which are approximately 4.6 per cent of the population of the Union Territory.

Doctors at drug de-addiction cetre of Institute of Mental health & Neurosciences (IMHANS) in Srinagar said that the facility has been flooded with patients taking deadly drugs like heroin in the Doctors at drug de-addiction centre of Institute of Mental health & Neurosciences (IMHANS) in Srinagar said that the facility has been flooded with patients taking deadly drugs like heroin in the recent years.

The data revealed that there has been more than 1,500 per cent increase in patients approaching the hospital seeking treatment for substance abuse in three years. While 489 drug abusers had reported at the IMHANS in 2016, the number grew to 7,420 in 2019. In 2020, the number dropped to 3,536 apparently due to Covid-19 lockdown.

Similarly, the Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) registrations have also seen a steep rise at the IMHANS. From 139 patients seeking treatment between 2012-2015, the number grew to 309 in 2016 -2019. But there has been a huge jump as 495 patients reported at the IMHANS de-addiction centre in 2020, while the number has already crossed 500 in just the first five months of this year.

The 309 patients who reported from 2016-2019, over 47 per cent were from urban areas, while over 52 per cent were from rural areas. 73.8 per cent among them were unmarried, while 35 per cent were up to the age of 25 years and over 53 per cent were in the age group of 26-35 years.

The study titled “Pattern and prevalence of substance use and dependence in Kashmir: Special ocus on Opioids” reveals that heroin is the most widely used opioid in the two districts.

As opioids are one of the costliest drugs and pose a serious threat of fuelling a criminal crisis,the study has estimated the economic burden of heroin abuse in the two districts based on prevalence and extrapolating findings. “The expenditure on consumption of opioids in two districts of Srinagar and Anantnag is Rs 3,74,90,329,” notes the study, the first to deduct the costs of abuse in Kashmir’s two districts.

Law enforcing agencies blame Pakistan for pumping huge quantities of narcotics into Kashmir.“Lot of drugs and narcotics are being pumped into the Valley from across the border. It is quite clear who is pumping drugs and narcotics here,” Inspector General of police, Kashmir, Vijay Kumar, said.

As per the J&K police data, in 2020, 36.08 kilograms of pure heroin and 49.7 kilograms of brown sugar were recovered from different parts of the Valley. North Kashmir districts of Kupwara and Baramulla, which share a border with Pakistan, accounted for 21.15 kgs and 7.60 kgs of heroin respectively recovered in 2020. Similarly, in the first five months of this year, over 25 kgs of heroin have been recovered by the police and security forces, mostly along the LoC.

Sources said a portion of the drugs coming from Pakistan via LoC are being sold in Kashmir, while a major portion is being transported into other states of India. “Trucks from Kashmir going towards Punjab are being used to transport the drugs coming from Pakistan,” they revealed.

Ways To Stay Away from drugs

Always keep yourself busy in some work. When you repeat a task over and over again, you start to create a habit — something that you can do without really thinking about it. Some habits are good,like brushing our teeth or exercising, while others — like drug use or smoking — are bad. Whether you’re forming good or bad habits, what you’re doing is rewiring your brain. Repetitive tasks create new pathways in your brain and become permanent. That’s why it’s so difficult to break bad habits. You literally have to rewire your .

Try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of exercise. According to a study at Mayo Clinic, exercise helps reduce stress, improves mild-to-moderate depression and anxiety, improves sleep and boosts mood.Those new to exercise shouldn’t feel intimidated. The study suggests a simple brisk walk is enough to reap these benefits.

Take responsibility for recovery by being honest with unhealthy friendships or romances. Ask for their respect in lifestyle changes, like the need for space. Ending it doesn’t mean the other person is “bad.” This is not assigning blame—only maintaining well-being.

Always try to be with good people and in positive atmosphere .Try to avoid stress and start enjoying your every second of life, start spending time with your family and try to adopt a pet.

What are drugs?

Drugs are substances that can alter the way the body and mind function. They can be used for medical purposes to treat illnesses or for recreational purposes to experience certain effects.

What are the different types of drugs?

Drugs are typically categorized into several types, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, recreational drugs, and illegal drugs. They can also be classified by their effects, such as stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and opioids.

What are the most commonly abused drugs?

Commonly abused drugs include alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications (like opioids and benzodiazepines), cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and synthetic drugs (such as synthetic cannabinoids and bath salts).

What are the signs of drug addiction?

Signs of drug addiction include cravings, loss of control over drug use, withdrawal symptoms, neglecting responsibilities, changes in behavior, and continued use despite negative consequences.

What are the short-term effects of drug use?

Short-term effects vary by drug but can include euphoria, increased energy, altered perception, relaxation, impaired judgment, and physical symptoms like increased heart rate or nausea.

What are the long-term effects of drug abuse?

Long-term effects can include chronic health issues (such as heart disease, liver damage, and respiratory problems), mental health disorders, addiction, social and relationship problems, and financial difficulties

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